Tuesday 31 December 2013

Does a New Year equal a New Beginning?

It's been a while since I posted.  My family were here for Christmas and as lovely as it was I am exhausted.  It was rather strange waking up today with no R shouting mama (he's at his dads for NY) but also really lovely to be able to back to sleep.  This NY couldn't be more different to last year when I was a sobbing angry mess.  I have been invited to a dinner party which I nervously accepted. Nervously as I am not 100% sure how I will feel come the stroke of midnight but I haven't felt down for months now so hope I should be okay.

Last NY was the last time M and I were together.  A few too many drinks on my part lead to me somehow thinking everything could be okay, I could forgive.  The feeling quickly evaporated the next morning when I woke up to him nibbling my ear.  A feeling I used to love but now made me feel sick. He was pretty mad when I pushed him off and said it had been a mistake.

I entered into the NY thinking I would never trust another man again.  Well that's still a little true but - shock horror - I have been dating someone.  It's not serious but still making me smile.  Dating with a toddler is hard but J is really understanding.  I don't know if we will progress further but I am enjoying the school girl flutter I get when I see him.  I also have been offered a teaching job.  I had intended to take time off work until R went to school but it's only part time and as my bitterness towards M fades I want to rely on him financially less and less.   Him and I are in a good place in terms of being civil for our sons sake.  It's been a real effort but I am feeling excited for the future.  Looking back it was inevitable M and would have split at some point.  It's so hard to see when you are in the middle of it all.  The fact that he is still with THAT girl is actually in a way comforting.  If she is his soulmate then I wish them the best. At least he didn't destroy what we had for something meaningless.

So for me 2014 is looking up.  Fingers crossed for no more dramas :)

Friday 13 December 2013


It wasn't my intention to write a post about this subject. Mainly as I hang my head in shame abut how I behaved once I accepted M affair.  However, I recentley heard about a similar story to my own and it brought back that crazy side of me.  I posted some "opinions" on a twitter account to a girl who I heard was having an affair with a local girls husband. I don't even know any of the parties involved but I was furious at the thought of another betrayal.  Anyway, she reported me and my twitter account was deleted.  With hindsight, it was none of my business.

Does everyone have a crazy side? I never thought I did till M cheated.  I spent hours googling ways of hurting him/her.   I was a woman possessesed.  One night I made his favourite chilli and purposely added an extra hot chilli to it.  Or moving his car keys so he would be late for work. Immature I know.  She got it worse.  I worked out her work email address from his and bombarded her with nasty emails.  I turned up at her work and threatend her with severe consequences if she didn't stay away from M.  All along he was siding with me, telling me he regreted  her and never wanted to see her again. All whilst he was still fucking her in his car.  So what's worse? At least I was up front about my actions whilst he was lying through his teeth.  Can I also say ( and please god I know this is awful) I let down her tyres.  Anyone who doesn't know me will think I'm nuts. Really I'm not. But that was where he did it. That's where he destroyed out marriage.

Sunday 8 December 2013

Once a Cheat, Always a Cheat

In the days following me confronting M, he became the most sorrowful man.  He was romantic, went out of his way to make me feel loved. I was determined that I would make him suffer. Looking back I realise how immature I was.  I should have left.  He went out of his way to look for a new job so he wasn't near his lover.  Honestly, he was seemed genuine.

It made me think back to the lead up to our wedding.  I was packing up my car for work when a young girl approached me.  She claimed she had an affair with M.  I was so shocked I simply said okay and went back inside.  When I phoned M, he claimed the girl was a student who had developed a crush on him. He said she was maniac depressive and not to trust her. To stay safe inside.

In the following days, M told me the girl had tried to take her own life.

Looking back, I realise this was the first affair.  How that poor girl must have felt to be made out to be a liar when all along she was trying to do the right thing.

Saturday 30 November 2013

An expert of Infidelity?

My blog was supposed to me speaking about the time I found out M cheated but present day is taking priority.  People I barely know seem to be confiding in me.  At coffee yesterday, my friend Kate confided that a friend of hers had saw the husband of a couple that lives in her old estate kissing a girl at work. another sex in the car during lunch.  How many people actually have affairs during their lunch hour?  How long do these people get to eat?  The lady was in the city for an interview and isn't sure if it was a one off.

So Kate wants my advice.  The girl is on maternity leave so probably pretty vulnerable and her friend saw her husband kissing this girl in his car. Being asked my advice is so hard.  My answer could ruin someones life.  Finding out M was cheating was the most horrendous time ever, could i say tell her and know I had caused that to someone else?  If I say no, the girl will go through life not knowing she is being betrayed in the worst possible way.  The reality is most wives will side with their husband and wont believe the truth.  Husbands can be evil, lying bastards and will worm their way out.  My thought on tell or not?  Speak to the husband.  Tell him you know and he should be honest.  At the very least he might end it. Otherwise, I am sorry but despite being happy that I found out, I cannot offer advice. Well other than check your husband car regularly!!!

Tuesday 26 November 2013

It is the Wife's fault he cheated right?

Today, I ventured out for coffee with a girl I used to be friendly with before I moved down South.  At the table next to us were to young girls.  One (pretty little thing about 20) was telling how her boyfriends wife had become suspicious with the regular smell of perfume on him.  They laughed and the other suggested that next time they had sex in his car, she should leave her underwear for his wife to find.  The thought of his wife finding our her husband had betrayed her in such a devastating manner amused these two girls considerably.

It made me wonder if  J had talked about me like that.  Was I ever public conversation? Was I laughed and ridiculed over coffee?  If it hadn't been for the utter shock I felt, I would have went over, sat down, and explained to them the devastation they were causing.  

Whilst trying hard not to cry as old wounds were opened,  my new friend commented on how stupid some ladies can be.  Well  I sure am stupid,  I thought she was referring to the two young ones but no! she was referring to the wife who obviously wasn't satisfying her husband.   My face flushed red, my heart was racing. Another panic attack.  When will this ever end?  Is it really my fault?   I wasn't a bad wife.  I loved my husband, we had fun together, a good sex life.  Our relationship wasn't broke.  He just decided to have sex with a colleague during his lunch break. 

Sunday 17 November 2013

A Fresh Start - In Scotland!!!

Why Scotland? Well, it wasn't just a random decision.  My parents are from Perthshire but moved down south for my dad's work when I was 7.  Most of our family still live here and I spent every summer and Christmas in Scotland.  I think my parents knew that I would take M back if he stayed in my life (they were probably right) so they suggested I come up to Scotland to finish my maternity leave.

So for the last 6 months I have sulked away in my wee cottage on my own with my son.  It's really not easy being on your own with a baby all day but most of my friends that I knew here have all gone got married and had babies.  I don't know quite how to reconnect.  How do I explain why I am back? With a baby but no husband?  My grandparents have been amazing.  I have aunts/uncles/cousins here but they all have their own lives now. Of course they try. To be fair I have been a right grump.  

Finally I fell ready to move on and plan on staying in Scotland.   I am intending on extending my time off work by 1 year and then look at teaching positions.   In the meantime, I am restarting my baby music classes. I adored holding them and really hope that it will be a way of meeting some new mums.  

And M? He is still furious I have moved away but I always said that I would never stop him seeing his son. He has him for 1 weekend a month and we can increase contact as R gets older.  Seeing R all packed up to go is heart breaking.  But what if I had stayed? M would have cheated again, why wouldn't he? He cheated from day one.  Is is healthy for a child to grow up in a house were his mother never trusts his father? I want my son to see me in a healthy stable relationship, and not grow up thinking you stick with something even if it makes you unhappy,  R  will never remember the horrible break up and for that I am thankful. 

Oh and I almost forgot, M  lives with his bit on the side now.  Good luck to her!!!!!!!!!

Saturday 16 November 2013


Finally, almost 4 months after I found out my darling had been unfaithful, I got angry. Why such a delay?  Looking back, I think I was in shock those 4 months. All I could think was I couldn't let my son down.  I couldn't  face the shame of admitting to all my family they were right to doubt M.  After meeting the girl, I went home and had a complete meltdown.  I screamed, I threw things, I scratched his face.  He had no idea that I had been to meet her. Once I calmed down, he wiped my tears and comforted me.  Suddenly, I didn't look at him and see a man I loved,  I saw a weak, lying, pathetic man.  He had not only betrayed me but his son.  We tried counselling but in my heart I knew I needed to leave. He admitted to me he had one night stands on stag nights, including his own, and a fling with a girl he worked with.  He loved me, none of them.  So why?  He had pretty much been cheating our whole relationship.  It was all lies.Our whole life together had been built on betrayal.  Whenever he had been extra romantic, it was guilt.

Leaving was awful.  He refused to leave the house so I went back to my parents. Almost 30 and back at home. The shame has been awful.  M  was relentless in trying to get me back and so many times I would look at my son and was so close to agreeing.  But how can I allow my son to grown up thinking its acceptable to treat people the way his father did and not expect consequences?

It was almost a year before M  admitted to me that he had fallen in love with the girl I caught him having sex with in the car.  Another betrayal.  11 months he had insisted he wasn't in love with her,  His explanation was that he was terrified of losing his son, and would have said anything to stay together for his sake.  So, at last I know I was right to leave him,  I deserve to be with someone who loves me, and is with me for that reasons and that reason alone.